Mt Davidson

Forest | Michael Combs

Remember that one time I photographed Lucas? You can see his photos on my previous Portraits with Riva. So I found out that day that his best friend, Michael, was tagging along. He basically wanted to learn more about photography, how to use the camera, all that good stuff. So yes, the more the merrier. I guess, you can't help but have another shoot with him. 

Here are his photos, enjoy!

Foggy Adventure | Lucas Mullen

I had the opportunity to photograph this young stud last Friday. Cue in Style by Taylor Swift. This James Dean looking blue-eyed guy is also a comedian. Pretty cool. His friend, Michael also tagged along and we hiked up Mt. Davidson early in the morning. The hill was blanketed by fog when we got there and it was absolutely stunning. Sometimes, you gotta wake up so early to get that mystical lighting and it's always worth it. 

Talk soon!

PS. Lots of photos. 

... a lot of photos...

... and more...

PSS. If you are a model and looking for head shots, shoot me a message and I will shoot you. or rather, let's shoot! <3